In my creative loneliness, I hear the deepest of myself
Alvaro Daza is a true pioneer in the Colombian art world. He has been awarded numerous accolades both locally and internationally. With over 100 global exhibitions, his bold and dynamic abstract expressionist style is clearly unmistakable. When one views his work, it is clear that it can only be the creation of Daza’s master hand. His works are dynamic explosions of color, which mysteriously appear from magical landscapes. These explosions represent the beautiful formation of trees, which in turn represent life, freedom and longevity. The hues of colors cascade down the canvas like the soft oscillating leaves of the trees. However, under the striking thick brushstrokes lies a strong message that we must take care of the world we live in, our Mother Earth. We must take special care of our forests: the trees that in turn give us our life.
Each painting by Daza is carefully composed yet organically formed. He is a dedicated artist that leaves, in each one of his beautiful creations, a piece of his soul. Each painting illuminates from within leaving a marked impression, not only aesthetically but emotionally too. His meticulously prepared canvas is the first stage before his poetically versed color is rhythmically applied in true harmony. The colors, although strategically placed, flow organically with unconstrained vibrations, leaving a magnifying effect on the eye, the mind and the soul.
His work draws inspiration of something in-between reality and a surreal paradise: a true reflection of Colombia’s Magical Realism. Daza’s combination of linear shapes and curved brushstrokes do not creates a conflict, resistance or dichotomy, rather it unites both in peace and coherence. He brings light to the world and draws in life. His work is philosophical and universal, enjoyed by people everywhere, leaving a marked impression.